Whiz Mate

by PT Intiwhiz International

Travel & Local


a program designed to reward guests staying at Intiwhiz Hotels

Whiz Mate is a program designed to reward guests staying at Intiwhiz Hotels with privileged access to special promotions and benefits.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Apps yang buruk, history booking tidak tampil di aplikasi, jadi tidak diketahui status booking kamarnya, cancel, aktif, perlu di bayar atau bisa di cancel, bikin masalah dan rugi. Coba kayak amaris gitu sama2 buged hotel tetapi bagus squen logic nya dan semua history jelas

Rino Purbono


m. slamet santoso

Booking mudah dan cepat, harga nya lebih murah dibanding app lain nya, thx whizmate

A Google user

Booking jd lebih gampang, harganya jg jauh lebih pas, thank you whizmate

A Google user

I already booked but i didn't get any voucher / booking code

Ade Chandra

Sukses selalu untuk Whizmate team dan intiwhiz😊

geby dhomalisty

Gona love this membership

Raiyan Adam

Loved it